Fruitful Futures

Welcome to the design exhibition Fruitful Futures at Krónan Grandi! While DesignMarch takes over the city, the conventional space of a grocery store is transformed to an exhibition space. Between fruits, flour and cheese you’ll find diversity of projects like vitamins for plants, growing garments and a soup of mealworms. However, all projects touch on innovation and design, sustainability and reuse, new perspectives and speculations.

Undan Esju


Nemendur á fyrsta ári í vöruhönnun unnu við innsetningar innblásnar af umhverfi Esjunnar þar sem þau skoðuðu samband náttúru og manns. 

Verkefnin eru afrakstur tveggja vikna vinnustofu og fjalla um ólík viðfangsefni og mismunandi túlkanir nemenda á umhverfinu. Gestir fá aðra sýn á landslagið í gengum mismunandi miðla og skynfæri. Þau bjóða ykkur velkomin í ferðalag um Esjuhlíðar þar sem verkin finnast á víð og dreif.  

Gestagangur // Daniel Zarem // Realizing Products Through Design

Personal design journey shown through past projects, problem solving through a user centric lens, using manufacturing techniques to bring design solutions from concept to the hands of users.

Daniel Zarem is an industrial design lead at focusing on prosthetics at Össur. Previously working at Fuseproject, he developed his passion for bringing first-of-their-kind ideas to life through user centric design, new technologies, and clever manufacturing solutions.