Fyrir hver er námskeiðið: Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku. Námskeiðið hentar fyrir kennara/ listamenn sem vilja tileinka sér gerð og notkun hljóðfæra úr hversdagslegum efnum. Valnámskeið í meistaranámi í listkennslu.
The course will begin with theoretical introduction into the building of original musical instruments, presenting philosophical and sociological background for the creative work: why do we build instruments out of everyday objects, why is the world musical and everything can become music and what is the relationship between noise and music. We will look into the crossovers of instrument-making with other art disciplines, especially recycled art and musical object theater. There will be a strong emphasis on the practical use of the instruments in the educational processes: how can we organize such projects in schools and what can be achieved.
The central part of the course will consist of practical building of musical instruments. The participants will get an introduction to different technical procedures, materials, acoustic principles and practical advice that will enable them to work on their projects independently.
The last part of the course will be devoted to creating music on original instruments. After presentation of techniques of group improvisation and ‘sound painting’, participants will create a short concert, musical fairytale or music for a short silent movie.
Námsmat: Stuttir tónleikar/ flutningur á verkum sem unnin eru í námskeiðinu.
Kennari: Peter Kus.
Staður og stund: Laugarnes, 17. og 18. apríl kl. 16.00 - 19.00, 20. apríl kl. 10.00 - 16.00 og 21. apríl kl. 10.00 - 14.00.
Tímabil: 17. - 22. apríl 2018.
Einingar: 2 ECTS.
Kjósi nemendur að taka námskeið án eininga gefur kennari verkefnum nemenda ekki endurgjöf. Verðmunur ræðst þ.a.l. af auknu vinnuálagi kennara.
Námskeið sem tekin eru án eininga geta þó skráðst, án eininga, á námsferil nemenda.
Verð: 30.500 kr. (án eininga) / 40.800 kr. (með einingum).
Forkröfur:  Góð enskukunnátta. BA. gráða eða sambærilegt nám.
Nánari upplýsingar: Ólöf Hugrún Valdimarsdóttir, verkefnastjóri Listkennsludeildar. olofhugrun [at] lhi.is / 545 2249