Föstudaginn 6. apríl kl. 13.00 munu Alice Creischer og Andreas Siekman halda opinn fyrirlestur um verk sín og vinnuaðferðir í fyrirlestrarsal myndlistardeildar að Laugarnesvegi 91.

Undir titlinum Nature Meets Itself in the Stomache of the Predators munu þau fjalla um rannsókn sína á Alþjóðlegu Fræhvelfingunni á Svalbarða og einokun fræja.

In the Stomach of the Predators, explores the predatory logic of advanced capitalism. It is stemming from their joint research in the last several years concerning the privatization of the commons through the cases of seeds, land rights, and intellectual property. It takes us to the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen where the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a project set up to “protect” all existing agricultural kernels in the world from eventual extinction, is based. We learn, however, that the seed bank is financed by the very same corporate lobbies that exercise interests and practices that threaten crop diversity, including, among others, genetic manipulation.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku. Allir velkomnir meðan húsrúm leyfir.