Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir


astajons [at]
Rannsóknagagnagrunnur / Database for Research Output

Ásthildur er lektor við listkennsludeild Listaháskóla Íslands. Listir og menntun til sjálfbærni eru í forgrunni rannsóknaráherslna hennar bæði í  formlegu og óformlegu samhengi menntunar. Hún hefur starfað sem sýningarstjóri, gefið út námsefni, þróað námskrár og kennt í grunnskólum og framhaldsskólum, í félagsmiðstöðvum, með fólki á öllum aldri með ólíkan bakgrunn á Íslandi, í Genf og New York.

Ásthildur er með B.Ed frá Kennaraháskóla Íslands og M.Ed gráðu frá Háskóla Íslands. Hún er með MA gráðu frá New York University (NYU), Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Ásthildur vinnur samhliða kennslu við LHÍ að doktorsverkefni við Háskóla Íslands og Lapplandsháskóla.


Ásthildur Jónsdóttir is an assistant professor in the Department of Arts Edicatopm at the IAA. Her research interests include art and cultural movements that support sustainable development and Education for Sustainability at all levels, within both formal and informal contexts. She has curated exhibitions, developed curricula and taught in public and private schools in both lower and upper secondary level and colleges, in community centers, with people of all ages and backgrounds in Iceland, Geneva and New York.
Ásthildur has B.Ed. degree specialising in art education. M.Ed. degree in information and computer technology in (ICT) in art education from University of Iceland. She has a MA degree from New York University (NYU), Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Currently she is a doctoral candidate at the University of Iceland and Lapland University, Finland doing a joint degree looking at the potential of art in education for sustainability.
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