Föstudaginn 30. september kl. 14 halda Neil Mulholland og Norman Hogg opinn fyrirlestur um verk sín og vinnuaðferðir í fyrirlestrarsal myndlistardeildar að Laugarnesvegi 91.

Neil Mulholland er prófessor í myndlist og listfræði við College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences í Háskólanum í Edinborg.  Hann er einnig deildarforseti meistaranáms í myndlist við sama skóla.  Norman Hogg er listamaður og heimspekingur sem vinnur að doktorsverkefni sínu í nýmiðalda fagurfræði við Miðstöð þverfaglegs náms um samfélag og menningu, við Concordia Háskólann í Montreal.

Í erindi sínu munu Mulholland og Hogg fjalla um Confraternity of Neoflagellants, samvinnuverkefni sem þeir hafa unnið að síðan 2009.  Þeir munu einnig fjalla um sýninguna (‘Thekaries’/ ‘Bokes’) sem þeir sýningastýrðu ásamt öðrum verkefnum sem þeir hafa komið að.

Frekari upplýsingar um Mulholland og Hogg má finna á heimasíðu samvinnuverkefnis þeirra http://confraternityofneoflagellants.org.uk/.  Einnig má nálgast frekari upplýsinga um erindi Mulholland og Hogg á ensku hér neðar.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir á meðan húsrúm leyfir.

Þess má geta að Mulholland og Hogg munu einnig standa fyrir vinnustofum fyrir nemendur. Vinnustofan Shift/Work hafa þeir staðið fyrir í listaháskólum um allan heim og fer hún fram 27. - 29. september.

28. september fer fram vinnustofan Motor Vehicle Sundown Event Reykjavík.





On Friday the 30th of September at 2 pm an open lecture by Neil Mulholland and Norman Hogg will be held at the Department of Fine Art, Laugarnesvegur 91.

Neil Mulholland is Professor of Contemporary Art Practice & Theory and Dean of Postgraduate Studies, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Edinburgh. Norman Hogg is an artist and theorist completing his PhD on Neomedieval Aesthetics at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society & Culture, Concordia University, Montréal.

Mulholland and Hogg work together as the Confraternity of Neoflagellants. The Confraternity of Neoflagellants was founded in 2009 by Serjeant-At-Law Norman Hogg and joined by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland. It is a secular and equal opportunities confraternity bound by chirograph. The Confraternity are lay peoples dedicated to the ascetic application, dissemination and treatment of neomedievalisms in contemporary culture. They employ distributed methods of production and exhibition and diverse post-media narratives to produce works by contemporary and fictitious artisans, journeymen, hosts, anchorites, avatars, Sherlockers and hyper-economists.

As neomedievalists living in Scotland and Québec, their work is co-fabricated in a cloud-workshop over long mid-Atlantic days. It emerges from this tumescent circadian rhythm in the intermedial form of books, zines, videos, artefacts, paintings, articles, talks, performances, parties, academic papers, shops, music… and has featured in a wide range of galleries, artists’ books and academic journals, traversing the disciplines of contemporary art and medieval studies.

Their theory-fiction thN Lng Folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™ was published by Punctum, NYC (2013). Their recent work Mobilitas Loci, was commissioned for the artist Amanda Beech’s bookwork CAVEAT EMPTOR, LGP, England (2016).

In their lecture they will present some of the ways in which The Confraternity have developed neomedieval materialisms with their own nonmodern lexicon, dense hypereconomic practices that combine production, transfer, consumption, humilitas and virtus. The Confraternity will transfigure four scripts-into-flesh: When Transfiguration Became Commonplace, Thekarites, Mobilitas Loci (Muller Ltd.) and Let us know about anything wrong, or anything you don’t like about this review, and you could win a $50 Amazon voucher!

The Confraternity will also elaborate some of their curatorial projects (‘Thekaries’ / ‘Bokes’) and ways in which the quasi-neomedieval practices of their peers adopt ‘backward-thinking’ to develop possible premodern futures through a visceral, indulgent, lavish, liturgical and ludic materialism.

Further information on Mulholland and Hogg collaboration can be found on their web page; http://confraternityofneoflagellants.org.uk/

The Open Noon lectures at the IAA are free of charge and open to all.  The lecture by Mulholland and Hogg will be held in English.