Einkasýning Heiðriks á Heygum, Ólavur Riddararós, opnar fimmtudaginn 24. nóvember kl. 17:00 - 20:00 í Naflanum, Laugarnesvegi 91. Sýningin er í röð einkasýninga nemenda á 3. ári í myndlist.

Vers 37:
“There from that house came
three corpses; they were so great.
The first was Ólavur, the second his wife
the third his mother; she took her life.”

Ólavur Riddararós is a Faroese ballad (Kvæði) first time written down in 1824, but originates from the 14th century. Similar versions of the ballad are found around the Nordic countries, but the Faroese version is said to be the most intact and is still sung to this day. Faroe Islands are one of the last dependent Nordic countries, still being a part of Denmark. The nationalistic movement is very strong, hence ballads/folklore/legends are a very important factor in the Faroese cultural identity. Faroe Islands have an old history, though are very young regarding art. Therefore perception of Faroese visual art is not stricly defined and established. This artwork is an attempt to create an art piece that contains Faroese symbols, patterns and colors that are identified with the country's national heritage. Moreover it is a take on using colors and patterns present in the nature, traditional costumes, details. Its' composition and style is reffering to to other Faroese artist-William Heinesen- Elinborg Lutzen etc.- who has depicted Faroese ballads and folklore, in hope, that it will become familiar and recognisable. this leads the queston, whether by gathering the existing cultural elements and references it is possible to make an artwork recognised as being "faroese" or "traditional".

Á tímabilinu 13. október - 24. nóvember stendur yfir röð einkasýninga nemenda á 3. ári í myndlist, alls 18 sýningar.

Facebookviðburður sýningarinnar

Á hverjum fimmtudegi frá 13. október - 24. nóvember opna í senn þrjár einkasýningar mismunandi sýningarstöðum í Listaháskólanum Laugarnesi; í Naflanum sem er inn í miðju skólans, í Kubbnum á annari hæð og síðast en ekki síst í Skúrnum sem sendur fyrir utan húsið austanmegin. Opnanir eru frá kl. 17 - 20 á fimmtudögum. Einkasýningar nemenda er liður í námskeiðinu Vinnustofur prófessora í umsjón Heklu Daggar Jónsdóttur. Kennarar ásamt Heklu eru Unnar Örn og Sindri Leifsson.

Allar einkasýningar 3. árs nema í myndlist